To give a one-time year end gift, give to the “End of Year Generosity” fund.
To set up a NEW Recurring Monthly Gift, give to the “General Tithe” fund and click “give multiple times/every month”
To make changes to a Recurring Monthly Gift.
Go to your Realm account at
Click the “Giving” tab in the left column.
Open the “Schedule” tab on the top middle of the page.
Choose the Regularly Scheduled Gift, click the “3 Dots” menu buttons on the right and choose “Edit.”
Adjust your recurring gift in the “Amount” field and make any other adjustments (such recurring frequency, dates, etc.)
Click “Continue” and review “Payment Method” and “Giving Summary.”
If everything looks correct, click “Give” to set up the adjusted recurring gift.
As you consider generous one-time giving this year end, please also consider starting or increasing your general tithe. Our needs for next year include an additional $120,000 in monthly giving.
Our growth and vision as a church present the opportunity for both an Year End Generosity Campaign and an ask to increase our general monthly tithe. With the new church plant in Topeka, we will have staffing needs in both worship and discipleship. An additional $120,000 in 2023 is a crucial step to address those needs. This breaks down to $10,000/month and can be accomplished through 2 givers at $1000/month, 5 at $500/month, 10 at $250/month, 15 at $100/month and 30 at $50/month. Please consider being one of these givers by starting or increasing your monthly giving.
We are grateful to partner with you to extend the glory of God by making disciples through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
UP - $50,000
We believe that God’s grace has led us to worship in Central, but we want to be prepared to follow God’s grace if He opens a door to have a building in the future. Raising $50,000 is the first step to prepare for that open door.
OUT - $20,000
Several years ago, as many from Topeka joined our church, we dreamed about starting a new church in Topeka. That dream is taking root Fall 2023. We are sending Ethan and Skye Sperle, with a strong team, to start a new church in Topeka. Raising $20,000 is our first step to bless and send a new church in Topeka.
IN - $30,000
As we send people out, we have also brought new people in. We have grown numerically and developmentally in kids, youth, city groups, and life transformation groups. Both the sending out of the Sperle’s and the developmental and numerical growth bring us new leadership and staffing needs. Raising $30,000 is the first step to address these needs.